Friday, February 6, 2015

Point A to Point B

Point A to Point B

After about 14 hours of flight time with a 4 hour layover into an EST +5 hr time zone, we are settling in and getting adjusted. Amazingly, there were no travel glitches and our bags all made it through unscathed. 

The culture is as different as the climate. Photo A shows us packed up in the snow with most of our 15 bags requiring a separate pickup. Photo B shows the kids heading off to the pool (after the first day of homeschool if their teachers are wondering) :).  A termite mound and the guest house where we eat our meals are shown in the background.

It feels good to be back here and whole family is adjusting well. Our accommodations are nice and we all remain healthy for the most part.

The cultural adjustment is going well. Avery asked if it was okay to eat the salad on the Delta flight out of Chicago. He is vigilant about food borne illnesses. Finley was pretty shocked to see a couple of boys peeing in the street and a baby with no clothes on. He thought it was pretty funny that a lady at market was walking around holding a big platter above her head filled with bras for sale.  I had a shocking and hilarious conversation with our driver about eating cats (a delicacy in South Togo) that deserves its own blog post.

The patients at the hospital are many and varied. The smells and sights are the same and bring back memories and emotions. The cases I see quickly soften my heart and the realities they represent make my head spin. I am getting back into the groove here and have a lot to learn again.

Praise God for merciful answers to all the prays for our safe travel and a good start here.

Point A

Point B


  1. So glad I checked the blog! Enjoyed the update and thankful for answered prayer! It's interesting to hear about the sights and how the kids react to them! :) That termite mound is amazing- what did Finley think about that?

  2. Loved this! Enjoy the warmth! Fi is so precious in her swimsuit.

  3. I'm sure this is stirring up a lot of memories for you guys. The salad on the Delta flight is cracking me up - Avery, you're awesome!

  4. Allison and conlin would have been the same way with the salad! And Finley needs to get some termites!! :) Glad you made it safe!

  5. Wow! I'm glad you made it there safely. I can't wait to read more and stay connected!
