Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Our Team

Well our big experiment is about to begin…

After doing a lot of talking / praying / planning / saving - today our family is headed to Togo, West Africa for three-month term split between two hospital compounds there. 

Our overarching goal is to be good ambassadors as I join a surgical team and our family comes alongside of others trying to demonstrate the love of Christ to the wonderful people who call Togo home.

As we try to navigate in a very different culture, our appearance and our accents are not going to blend in easily, but we go in love and hope to rejoice in the diversity of all God’s creation.

I am excited to be apart of this team. And I think we have some of the best supporters in the world. Many thanks to our families, church, co-workers, school teachers, neighbors and friends around the world who have wished us well, committed to pray and shown love in sending us off. 

This blog will be our attempt to journal and keep in touch while we are away. We are going to miss all of you back home and we hope you will keep in touch with us too. 


  1. Love your team and honored to pray for you!

  2. It is awesome to see you & your family doing the Lord's work. We will keep you in our prayers!

  3. Love and prayers to you and those in Togo!

  4. May our LORD who is mighty give you the strength and courage in your days in Togo. He has prepared each of you for this time. What a joy to be praying for you!

  5. I'm going to enjoy following your journey. This is just awesome! God bless the Hubers!

  6. You are His hands and feet. Proud of what you guys are doing. We will try to hold the fort down for you doc. Stay safe. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. We are praying for you! Keep us UPdated!!!

  8. Oh how wonderful to read your blog!! Praying for you all.
