Monday, February 16, 2015


We took advantage of a free Saturday to do a jungle mountain hike to a nearby waterfall. 
Our preferred guide was occupied in the morning with a funeral. His niece just died from SIDA as they call it here (AIDS), but he was kind enough to lead us out in the afternoon. 

Thankfully much of the trail was shaded by dense forrest but still plenty hot. He pointed out interesting sites along the way including banana and coffee trees. We saw scattered huts, a small church or school, stacks of charcoal and assorted livestock grazing along the way. 

My fear of schistosomes kept the sweaty boys from doing cannon balls in the pool beneath the falls. An intense tropical thunderstorm broke loose just as we made it back the guesthouse for dinner. After carrying a sizable 5-year-old on my shoulders part of the way down the mountain, the rain felt good.


  1. Sounds like an interesting hike! Glad you weren't caught in the storm! I don't see Fiona in the picture....did she stay back with someone?

    1. Yes - it was much too long of a hike for her, Truman wished sometimes he had stayed home too.

  2. Love the picture of you and the boys! Pray and think of you a lot through out the day!

  3. Nate love the posts. It is exciting to learn and pray right along with you. Love you! Jas

  4. I love that you're afraid of schistostomes. Brings me back to my parisitology class in undergrad!
