Thursday, February 26, 2015


Today was a full-blown African celebration - the opening ceremony of the Hospital of Hope. This represents the culmination of more sweat and tears and money invested than I could ever convey here. This was clearly a big deal and I was just an outside observer, arriving in this town only four days earlier. 

I was struck by many contrasts that I am still trying to process. It was a once in a lifetime experience for sure.

I met the American Ambassador, a nice man who showed up in a steel-plated white LandCruiser with small American and Presidential flags on the hood. When it was his turn to speak with the “Vive La Cooperation Entre Les Etats Unis D’Amerique Et Le Togo” sign backdrop blowing in the wind, I picked up that he was speaking in general terms regarding Ebola and AIDS.

Because the President of Togo attended, security was tight. A soldier with an AK-47 dangling from his shoulder inspected our bag at an entry checkpoint. I pulled out my daughter’s sippy cup, her favorite doll, her Doctor Dan book. He moved a few other items about, peering into the bag.  Then, he formed a small smile, looked up at her blonde pigtails, raised his finger up toward her cute cheeks and waved us through. I think she was a good ambassador today too.

The doors open for business on Monday, then I get my chance to be an ambassador in this place. I am looking forward to it.


  1. Love these pictures! Great family picture. What an amazing experience and opportunity!

  2. The anticipation is mounting...may you stay cool under pressure, Nate! I love your matching shirts/pants! Was the fabric especially designed for this ceremony?

  3. I'm also wondering how you came up with the outfits? Love the family picture and all the details! The OR room looks great!
