Saturday, April 4, 2015


Ten signs that your family is in Sub-Saharan Africa....

10. It's hot. You can get sunburned in 30 minutes. It can be 96 degrees F at 8 pm (inside
      your house).

9. You only have brown eggs for Easter egg coloring. 

8. You have to move over for cows on your hike.

7. Your co-workers have names like Petro, Moussa, and Cherry.

6. Every Tuesday is “Terrible Tasting Tablet Tuesday” and every Friday is "Fanta Friday."

5. Fred, the pet chameleon, crawls across your dinner table and he is welcome there.

4. Baseball practice (usually in flip flops) is never cancelled by rain.

3. Your sons herd sheep on their bikes and enjoy mending fences. 

2. The tooth fairy pays in francs.

1. You see things that are best explained as miraculous. 


  1. Loved seeing all these pictures! Great family picture- looks like you had a pretty good hike to get there! The Easter eggs look great- so fun that you had what you needed to do this :) I'm surprised that the chameleon doesn't run and hide! And wondering about the miracle in the last picture....

  2. I loved this post! That last picture is precious! And Fi with the chameleon~ oh my! Can't wait to hear stories in person!

  3. Family favorite around here is definitely Fred and Fi at dinner. What are you eating - eggs? Our eggs come in cartons like that too - I think 30 count. Love it that you guys have slid right into normal life in sub-sahara.

  4. Great pictures~ makes us lonesome for all of you. I believe when you return Fiona will need a pet to keep her entertained:)) Wondering what happen to the little person in the last picture??

  5. I must agree--Fiona in her pigtails petting the chameleon while eating dinner makes me laugh out loud:) These are great pictures! Hope you guys had a wonderful Easter--Did Sara think to bring an Easter egg decorating kit?? I'm thinking that is not something you'd find in Africa, but I'm totally impressed if she had the forethought to pack one!!!!!!

  6. Loved reading this, you guys:). The pictures of your family and kids are so great. I also love getting a taste of the culture/environment. Ironically, tonight is Miles's first baseball practice and it's quite likely it will be called off on account of rain:).

  7. That was Molly, but I'm sure Jarod would agree:)
