Friday, March 27, 2015


This boy was born prematurely in another village at 31 weeks gestational age. We think that attempts to deliver his cord dislodged his twin’s placenta. Despite an urgent C-section, his brother died shortly after birth here. Now, at one week of age, Tiny’s abdomen became very distended and an X-ray this morning confirmed an intestinal perforation.

This 1 Kg baby is one of the smallest humans I have seen, let alone operated on. We found a perforated cecum - the first part of the colon and lots of contamination (spilled stool) in his abdomen. I think he has an obstruction of his colon that caused the upstream bowel to become massively dilated and eventual just die and fall apart. He now has a tiny ostomy in the right lower quadrant of his abdomen. No long term ventilation here - he breathed on his own throughout the operation (which he barely survived) and is clinging to life. There is something about having your hands inside someones abdomen that make you very attached to them.

If you feel moved, you can join us in prayer for him. Tiny and his mom will appreciate it!


  1. Praying for the sweet little darling! Thanks for sharing this with us. Miss you all!!

  2. This makes me so sad.....bless you Nate and I will pray for this little guy and his mother.

  3. Praying for Tiny with you that God who brought him from his mother's womb will uphold his life even now.

  4. Just prayed for Tiny, his Mom, and you. How
    Is he doing?

  5. Tiny has joined his brother... but thanks for praying guys. I would have just written off his chances as nil but after being proven wrong by the healing hand of God on a few occasions around here, I was holding out hope that he too would leave here alive and well.

  6. So glad that Daddy knows best...but heart-breaking even still. Thanks for updating us.

  7. What a precious baby--and what a fighter he must have been too! I cannot believe his tiny little lungs breathed their way alone through surgery!!! I'm sorry for you all that he has died. Praying for his mom this morning!!
